Cuties Cuppies, A little corner for everyone !

cuppies for everyone!!!!! Home made cup cakes for all...

Sunday, June 27, 2010

New Update!!!

waaa...lame tul x update since expecting cam penat sgt so my hubby suh stop and rest dulu...but yesterday my new maid dh smpai hopefully lps ni Allah S.W.T bg kekuatan untuk teruskan balik projek2 lama....Actually mmg dh cam malas je skrg ni sbb ingat nk concentrate untuk cookies for hari raya but ada yang request rasa cam sayang je nk tolak errmmm...ini pun ada lagi projek2 lepas x sempat nk upload pic and nk update kt dlm my blog ni dipagi yang indah ni saje je nak update something kt dlm ni....actually I have a big and important maybe slow2 kayuh then baru leh cath up balik cam dulu....hehehe...hopefully everything will be undercontrol and as a planned before